
If you’re in a crash: 

  1. Call 911 if there is an injury
  2. Share proof of insurance. The State of Minnesota allows for insurance cards to be shown digitally, in addition to the paper copy located in the glovebox. All drivers are required by Minnesota law to be insured and proof of insurance is required by all parties. If you are reporting a hit and run, and you did not witness the crash, please state so in the description field. 
  3. Gather all data and submit information in the form below. 
    1. If you cannot collect all the information below, call Member Services for assistance.
  4. Call Member Services at 612.343.2277 for how to proceed. 

You must get confirmation from Member Services before resuming your trip. Our staff will tell you if it is safe to continue driving.

Submit Crash Information:

Insurance is included with your membership. HOURCAR members are covered by our comprehensive policy, with no out-of-pocket costs for all “not-at-fault” damages; however, if you cause “at-fault” damage, you will be assessed a damage fee of up to $1,000 to cover the cost of repairs, unless you are enrolled in a PLUS plan.

Your account will remain in good standing as long as you continue to communicate with us about any further details we need for our insurance. If the crash was your fault and you’re not on a PLUS plan, you may have to help out a bit with the costs of repairs. Member Services will let you know if that’s the case.

Using a Damage Fee Waiver

All PLUS plans automatically include a Damage Fee Waiver. You can not get a Damage Fee Waiver (ie: deductible reduction) without being on a PLUS plan. A PLUS plan can be used to waive a member’s damage fee for an incident that results in “at-fault” vehicle damage to an HOURCAR. HOURCAR members are covered by a comprehensive insurance policy, with no out-of-pocket costs for all “not-at-fault” damages to HOURCARs, including personal injury and property damage coverage. Selecting a PLUS plan does not affect this insurance coverage; however, if you cause “at-fault” damage to an HOURCAR, you will be assessed a damage fee to cover the cost of repairs, unless you are subscribed to a PLUS plan.

Example A: You are driving an HOURCAR while distracted and you rear-end another car at a stoplight. You are at-fault for the crash, and you will be assessed the deductible. You can either pay the fee in full, or if you are on a PLUS plan, your fee will be waived. If your credit card offers rental insurance, you will have to arrange coverage with them.

Example B: A distracted driver rear-ends you in your HOURCAR at a stoplight. You are not-at-fault for the crash, and all damages are covered by insurance at no cost to you.

To apply a damage fee waiver to at-fault vehicle damage, you must contact us to report the damage within 24 hours of a crash. You may then re-enroll in the program by purchasing a new damage fee waiver to cover you until your PLUS plan renews. A new damage fee waiver costs $5 for one month and is valid for up to 30 days.

We strongly recommend that all members purchase a damage fee waiver via a PLUS plan. Crashes don’t happen often, but they’re almost always expensive. Seriously, it’s a good idea.

Purchasing a Damage Fee Waiver

New Members can purchase a damage fee waiver by choosing any of our PLUS plans during signup. The cost of the damage fee waiver is included in your PLUS plan membership fee. The damage fee waiver will become valid immediately after it has been charged to your account. Damage fee waivers are non-refundable.

Existing Members can switch to a PLUS plan by logging in to your account, or by contacting us at [email protected] or (612) 343-2277 to switch your account to a PLUS plan. Damage fee waivers/PLUS Upgrades are non-refundable.

Automatic Waiver Renewal

PLUS plans will automatically renew a month after enrollment. You can opt-out of automatic renewal by changing your membership to a standard plan or by contacting us at [email protected] or (612) 343-2277.

If you cause “at-fault” damage, you will be assessed a damage fee of up to $1,000 to cover the cost of repairs—unless you have a valid damage fee waiver from a PLUS plan.

Example A: You are driving an HOURCAR while distracted and you rear-end another car at a stoplight. You are at-fault for the accident, and you will be assessed a damage fee up to $1,000. You can either pay the fee in full or apply a valid damage fee waiver to nullify the damage fee in its entirety.

Example B: A distracted driver rear-ends you in your HOURCAR at a stoplight. You are not-at-fault for the crash, and all damages are covered by insurance at no cost to you.

To apply a damage fee waiver to at-fault vehicle damage, you must contact us to report the damage within 24 hours of an incident. You may then re-enroll in the program by purchasing a new damage fee waiver to cover you until your PLUS plan renews. A new damage fee waiver costs $5 for one month.