

HOURCAR is committed to addressing equity, diversity, and inclusion in our services. As Minnesota’s local nonprofit carshare provider, we have worked with our partners at the cities of Saint Paul and Minneapolis to develop a set of aggressive equity targets for Evie Carshare. Our aim is to make transportation in the Twin Cities more equitable and inclusive.

As a first step, we are implementing a baseline census for all current HOURCAR members. This will help us establish the demographics of our current membership and guide us as we move forward.

Submission of all data was optional, unincentivized, and is posted below in aggregated format, now fully analyzed (personally identifiable information will not be shared). 

Goals to Achieve

We aim to address environmental, social, and racial inequities in the transportation system. Within the transportation system, we aim to achieve change by providing electric carshare vehicles and related infrastructure through the following goals by 2026:

Use by BIPOC
Members (%)
Total Use
0 %
Use by Very Low-Income
Members (%)
Total Use
0 %
Use by Very Low-Income BIPOC Members (%)
Total Use
0 %

The Future of Carshare is in Your Hands

Data submitted by members will help determine the future of electric vehicle carshare in Minnesota. All personally identifiable information is confidential and is not be shared. No financial incentives were offered for completion. 

Summarized results of the 2021 Census are located below or click to download our full report.

2021 Census Results

In order to achieve our 2026 Goals, which align with the City of Saint Paul and Minneapolis equity targets, our 2021 Census was submitted to 1,986 active members with a timeline from November 3-20, 2021 for completion. Of those submitted, 747 individual responses were recorded, yielding the following results: 

Q1. What is your race/ethnicity?

No Data Found

Q2. What is your annual household income?

No Data Found

Q3. What is your native language (mother tongue)?

No Data Found

1 American Sign Language
2 Amharic
5 Arabic
4 Bangla (Bengali) 
2 Cantonese
9 Chinese
2 Chinese Mandarin
1 Dutch
2 Gujarati
1 Gujrati

11 Hindi
1 Hungarian
1 Indonesia
3 Japanese
7 Korean
1 Kwahili
6 Mandarin
2 Odia
1 Persian

1 Punjabi
2 Russian
1 Taiwanese
2 Tamil
3 Telugu
1 Turkish
2 Urdu
1 Vietnam

1 American Sign Language
2 Amharic
5 Arabic
4 Bangla (Bengali) 
2 Cantonese
9 Chinese
2 Chinese Mandarin
1 Dutch
2 Gujarati
1 Gujrati
11 Hindi
1 Hungarian
1 Indonesia
3 Japanese
7 Korean
1 Kwahili
6 Mandarin
2 Odia
1 Persian
1 Punjabi
2 Russian
1 Taiwanese
2 Tamil
3 Telugu
1 Turkish
2 Urdu
1 Vietnam

Q4. If you did not select English as your native language, would you identify a lack of translation into your language (website, social media, print materials) being a barrier to using carshare?

No Data Found