
Join for Only $1 +
Get $25 Drive Credit!

A variety of round-trip, hub-based vehicles around the Twin Cities and Rochester available for trips as short as 30 minutes or as long as 3 days. Gas, insurance, and roadside assistance included. 

All you have to do is sign up and drive.

Join for $1 & Get $25 Drive Credit

Enter Promo Code:


$50 Value. Offer valid through December 31, 2021 for new applications only. Drive Credit is valid for 60 days after application and is automatically applied to trip costs until used or expired. Drive Credit cannot be used towards taxes* or fees. 

Join for $1 & Get $25 Drive Credit

Enter Promo Code:


$50 Value. Offer valid through December 31, 2021 for new applications only. Drive Credit is valid for 60 days after application and is automatically applied to trip costs until used or expired. Drive Credit cannot be used towards taxes or fees. 

Pick a Plan & Hit the Road

Pick a monthly plan and reserve a car that’s right for you. Rates are based by plan ranging from $6-10/hour and $45-75/day. Drive up to 300 miles per trip per day. 

Gas and insurance included. 



Minneapolis, Saint Paul, & Rochester: Find Your Closest HOURCAR

Join for $1 & Get $25 Drive Credit

Enter promo code "DECEMBERTHON" when you join now through December 31, 2021.

All plans have a non-refundable $25 One-Time Registration Fee to process your driving history (unless a valid promo code is entered.) Those with international driving licenses should apply as normal, and if additional information is needed, we will reach out to you. HOURCAR does not charge additional fees to process non-Minnesotan driving licenses, but your state/country may. 

*All fees are non-refundable. All charges are subject to an additional 17.075% tax in Saint Paul, 17.225% in Minneapolis, and 17.325% in Rochester, which includes city sales tax, county sales tax, state sales tax, transit improvement sales and use, and motor vehicle rental taxes. Driving credit cannot be used to pay state and local taxes or fees. Qualified tax-exempt organizations should contact us to apply an exemption.
