HOURCAR is a nonprofit carshare organization making big transportation changes in the Twin Cities.
In 2022, HOURCAR began expanding its round-trip carshare service through the Multifamily Electric Vehicle Carshare Pilot Project. Leveraging funding from the U.S. Department of Energy and partnerships with Xcel Energy, the American Lung Association, and East Metro Strong, the pilot will add a total of 50 all-electric vehicles, nearly doubling the HOURCAR fleet. To do this, HOURCAR is placing new hubs with electric chargers at multifamily complexes around the Twin Cities metropolitan area, especially at affordable housing sites. The project aims to increase electric mobility options for residents at income levels that have been traditionally underserved while also decreasing barriers to building out electric vehicle charging stations at multifamily dwellings.
This is the first project of its kind in the State of Minnesota and one of the first of its size in North America, including 25 total properties with 50 shared electric vehicles.
HOURCAR is using this pilot to provide service to both new and existing members.
These multifamily hubs function the same way as our round-trip HOURCAR hubs do, with the added benefit of using an electric vehicle. Any member can use the electric HOURCARs placed at multifamily sites by reserving a car in advance for a trip length of up to three days. When finished using the vehicle, simply return the car back to its hub and plug it into the charger provided on-site to provide maximum range for the next member.
If you are already an HOURCAR member, you can use your existing account to reserve a vehicle at one of our new electric hubs just like any other hub. Look for the “Electric” label when reserving a car.
Xcel Energy is a sponsor of the Multifamily Project. Xcel Energy supports efforts to increase access to electric vehicles in underserved communities. Learn more about how Xcel Energy is helping customers drive electric.